SCF is a humanitarian charitable organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children living in poverty and injustice. The foundation serves all people regardless of religion, race ethnicity or gender. Our main philosophy is to provide quality education to underprivileged children. The school adopted three neighboring villages, the children of which have a right to be admitted to the school irrespective of their financial position. The school fee is almost one-third to half of what is being charged in other schools. A good number of girl scholars are getting fee concessions. Very poor children (sp. girls) get fee concession, reading and writing material, school dress, shoes and money for school tours from the foundation in order to keep them at par with others. In cases of extreme poverty the foundation provides scholarships to enable the students to overcome their pecuniary hardships and to enable them to continue their studies.
Contact Address: S-2, Lawsons Road, Cantonment, Trichy-620001, Tamilnadu, India. Email: |