Walter Isaacson, the author of Steve Jobs Biography who has been the CEO of CNN has written biographies of the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. The author was commissioned to write a biography on Steve Jobs by the man himself in 2003, shortly after he was diagnosed with cancer. The author tries to uncover the Steve Jobs behind all the image of a suave man dressed in black to reveal that black was not only restricted to his outfit but something way inside. The book claims to be free from any manipulations by the control freak that Steve was and you would believe it too as it rips apart the clothes of the technological-genius of an Angel to reveal its deadly blood-hungry claws of authority bordering on dictatorship.
This book takes you to the world of Steve Jobs, who would scream at his employees to the extent of making them weep and other such things that made him a nightmare of a leader. Steve Jobs Biography brings you the eccentric ways of Steve, the pioneer of computer technologies like we know it. He either saw employees as stars or ashes that were blown away. He managed to assemble a chivalry of designers that worked for the man whose unrelenting demands had to be met with only one way, his way. The book also dwells on Steve's ability to create works of art that also perform technological functions.